
《纵观全球疫 情,是该亮我中华,中医治未病;这把利剑的了!》

"Throughout the global epidemic, is the light of my China, the cure is not sick; this sword!"


Chinese famous expert of integrated traditional and Western medicine


Chinese traditional medicine antiviral clinical expert


Chief expert of Chinese Medicine Learning Network


前言:庚子多事之秋,2020庚子更甚,“新 冠”突出,令全宇宙人防不胜防,廿个月的战斗,使每一国家及其人民饱受折磨,唯我东方无独有偶。若非千年中医药显威力,我国民恐难于免此大灾。预防为主,病原亦当斩除,纵观全球形势,仍不乐观。现代全世界抗细菌的什么药物都有了,可唯独没有一特定特效的抗病毒药。此时唯有我中华医药,始能担当起全世界防疫并消灭新 冠病毒之大任也。

In the eventful autumn of the Boxer Rebellion,2020 will be even more so. The "New Crown" will stand out and make the whole universe impossible to guard against. During the 20-month battle, every country and its people will suffer greatly, except the East. If the power of traditional Chinese medicine had not been revealed for thousands of years, it would have been difficult for our people to avoid this catastrophe. Prevention is the priority, and the pathogen should also be eliminated. Overall, the global situation is still not optimistic. All over the world today there are anti-bacterial drugs, but there is no specific effects of antiviral drugs. At this time, only Chinese medicine can play the role of world epidemic prevention and elimination of the novel coronavirus.


Traditional Chinese medicine culture, as one of the essence of Chinese culture, is more and more recognized by the common people, especially with the acceleration of the aging process of the population, the health service industry is booming, the people's demand for traditional Chinese medicine service is more and more vigorous, it is urgent to vigorously develop traditional Chinese medicine health service industry, to educate and spread the correct health skills, through the "traditional Chinese medicine health care to the masses, accelerate the integration of traditional Chinese medicine culture Society ", improve the masses of traditional Chinese medicine health literacy, expand the field of traditional Chinese medicine service, let more people "recognize traditional Chinese medicine, trust traditional Chinese medicine, use traditional Chinese medicine" for people to precise "navigation", to the whole society and the country recommend traditional Chinese and western medicine expert Dr. Li Wanquan.


Li Wanquan was born in Yunyang County, Chongqing in 1951. In 1975, he graduated from the Medical Department of Chongqing Medical University, and was assigned to the former provincial and ministerial key secondary school and Wan County Health School of Sichuan Province, as the teaching and clinical work of "Internal Medicine (including Infectious diseases) and Nursing". In 1979, he participated in the establishment of the affiliated hospital of the university and the diagnosis and treatment of the medical ward. In September 1992, he obtained the qualification of senior lecturer in the former Wanxian Health School of Sichuan Province. In 1995, he was appointed as visiting professor of Taiwan Moxibustion Society. Lecture Scholar at the Second World Congress of Traditional Medicine (San Francisco, USA, May 1995). In 1985, he participated in the compilation of the relevant chapters of "Internal Medicine Practice Guide" and "Internal Medicine Nursing" commissioned by the National Ministry of Health and the Higher Education Commission. The two books were officially published by the national Publishing House (People's Health Publishing House) in 1992 and 1993 respectively. In nearly two decades of clinical work, Dr. Li realized that Western medicine had little effect in the treatment of chronic complicated diseases and viral infections, let alone a radical cure. So he left the unit in 1992 and devoted himself to the arduous and tremendous work of treating the aforementioned diseases with traditional Chinese medicine and conducting self-funded research and clinical treatment of hepatitis B and AIDS, which has lasted for 29 years.


Main scientific research achievements: In June 1992, in order to better devote myself to the clinical work of traditional Chinese medicine, I resolutely left the unit and began the arduous clinical work and subject research on the treatment of complicated diseases/liver diseases/AIDS with traditional Chinese medicine.


At the end of 1994, on the theoretical basis of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine, the TCM prescription for Hepatitis B was developed and passed the authoritative identification of the virus room of the Institute of Medical Biotechnology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences. By the end of 2017, the unique "Hepatitis B/Cirrhosis" series (No. 1-5) TCM powder was basically developed. The expected effect was achieved through clinical practice.



At the end of 1995, he also devoted himself to the study of the traditional Chinese medicine (the original AIbizhi series of traditional Chinese medicine) prescriptions for the prevention and treatment of "AIDS". According to the identification of the virus room of the Institute of Medical Biotechnology of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and the authoritative laboratory of AIDS virus in Denver, USA, the anti-HIV "Aibizhi No. 1" drug showed obvious inhibitory effect on HIV (>74%). The drug No. 2 was also observed by 15 patients with AIDS in the early and middle stages of drug use, and achieved significant curative effect in a short time. As early as May 1995, the paper won the international Excellent Achievement Award of the Second World Congress of Traditional Medicine, and was invited to the United States to give a speech and receive the award. At the same time, I had academic exchanges with the representatives, experts and scholars. And by the United States San Francisco two medical institutions recognized, Sheng invited Dr. Li Wanquan to stay in the United States to develop, were politely declined by his own.


Regarding the research direction (pharmacology) of the traditional Chinese medicine "Aibiji" and the efficacy of the treatment of HIV/ARC/AIDS (abstract), please refer to the national paper written by Doctor Li Wanquan (namely, Doctor Li Wanquan was regarded as a clinical expert in AIDS prevention and treatment by the Department of Disease Control of the Ministry of Health in 1996) -- attended the first National Symposium on the prevention and treatment of AIDS by Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, and received a concurrent report Table of the national papers which have been compiled into the National AIDS Prevention and Treatment Proceedings/April 2003.

另:2003年4月即“非典”爆发时,李万泉医师研究的治疗非典之特效中医药,亦送中国军事医学科学院病毒研究所(因该所权威的杨教授听闻李医师的抗艾滋病毒、抗乙肝病毒的中医药鉴定结果良好,且是由我国当时最权威的药物鉴定专家陈鸿珊教授亲自鉴定之故才接收李医师的药物鉴定的),经杨教授鉴定对非典病毒有良好的抑杀作用,故排列在我国急用于非典之药物的第五位备用。希望卫生主管部门及国家高度重视病原体(新 冠病毒)的根除,即充分挖掘与应用中医药来实现这一巨大的目标。

In addition, when SARS broke out in April 2003, the special Chinese medicine for the treatment of SARS researched by Doctor Li Wanquan was also sent to the Institute of Virology of the Chinese Academy of Military Medical Sciences (because the authoritative Professor Yang of the Institute heard that the TCM identification results of Doctor Li's anti-HIV and anti-Hepatitis B virus were good, and it was personally identified by Professor Chen Hongshan, the most authoritative drug identification expert in China at that time) It was identified by Professor Yang as having a good inhibitory effect on SARS virus. Therefore, it was ranked as the fifth standby drug for SARS in China. It is hoped that health authorities and the country will attach great importance to the eradication of the pathogen (novel coronavirus), that is, fully explore and apply traditional Chinese medicine to achieve this huge goal.


In the extensive and profound Chinese medicine, Doctor Li Wanquan advocates the water-yi school of traditional Chinese medicine, focusing on the regulation of the five elements and the viscera, especially the regulation and treatment of the spleen and kidney. And modern medicine also pays much attention to the (immunomodulatory) function and action of the adrenal gland, which is located between the two kidneys. Most modern people have formed a sub-healthy state of the body due to immune dysfunction, and over the long run, the disease of the heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney has been produced. He thinks that the school of medicine is grasping the root of the disease! Li Wanquan was a student of the Yi Shui School, and Gao Gufeng (works), a famous doctor in Jiangsu and Zhejiang in the Qing and Kangxi years, was a typical representative of this school and a clinical master in both theory and clinical practice. By the time traditional Chinese medicine developed into the Ming and Qing Dynasties, both in theory and in practice, the outline of traditional medicine had been formed, and I had sufficient practical experience National Medicine), but also a rare treatment of a variety of chronic and difficult diseases of clinical famous doctors. The ideas obtained in the past 29 years are derived from the theories and practices of Master Gao Gufeng (see Baidu for more details), which practice the "ancient for the present, foreign for the Chinese, keeping the right innovation", namely the shortcut of integrating traditional Chinese and Western medicine.


In the spring of 2001, at the invitation of relevant departments of the Ministry of Health, I entered the National AIDS Laboratory at my own expense to conduct short-term clinical observation and data after medication for HIV infected people, and achieved good clinical effects and experience in advance.


In the autumn of 2008, we continued to improve the prescription of traditional Chinese medicine and various types (traditional Chinese medicine pills), and began to provide free treatment for patients who voluntarily accepted the drugs, achieving the expected clinical effect. According to the relevant regulations and procedures of the state, the Chinese medicine for AIDS prevention and treatment has been finally accepted at the national level (please consult AIDS Research Center of China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences for details).

中医药在流行性疫 情方面的优势近几年也得到了验证,国家相继出台了扶持政策,对重振中医药事业和发展起到了决定性作用,对从业者起到了重拾信念,大震人心的鼓舞作用。

The advantages of TCM in epidemic situations have also been verified in recent years. The state has successively issued supportive policies, which have played a decisive role in reviving the cause and development of TCM, and played an inspiring role in restoring practitioners' faith.

李万泉医师离开单位近三十年的时间里,在完全自费的情况下,不断加强中医药的开发研究。立足自身优势,吸收先进理念和拜访全国各地中医药名家,借助受邀参加全国各地的医学大会优势,与参会的专家、学者交流心得体会、探讨中医药发展前景和未来。面对席卷全球的流行病/新 冠肺炎,在传承、守正、创新的基础上,李万泉医师自2020年新 冠疫 情爆发以来,在中医药防治乙肝及艾滋病毒丰富临床经验的基础上,现特根据中医“异病同治”以及“扶正祛邪”与“中医治未病”的原则及基本原理,在增加自身抵抗力的前提下去消灭新 冠病毒!迄今为止又已将防治各型新 冠病毒及其肺炎的中医根治性药方研究完善,有待造福于全国及全民世界人民。(药方见下述)

In the nearly 30 years since he left the unit, Dr. Li Wanquan has continuously strengthened the development and research of traditional Chinese medicine at his own expense. Based on its own advantages, it absorbs advanced ideas and visits famous Chinese medicine practitioners all over the country. By taking advantage of the advantages of being invited to attend medical conferences all over the country, it exchanges experiences with experts and scholars attending the conference and discusses the development prospect and future of Chinese medicine. In the face of the epidemic/novel coronavirus pneumonia sweeping the world, on the basis of inheritance, integrity and innovation, Doctor Li Wanquan has been increasing his resistance since the outbreak of the novel coronavirus in 2020, based on the rich clinical experience in the prevention and treatment of hepatitis B and HIV by traditional Chinese medicine, and based on the principles and basic principles of traditional Chinese medicine "treating different diseases together", "nourishing the body and dispelling the evil" and "curing the disease without illness" Let's get rid of the new coronavirus! So far, we have perfected traditional Chinese medicine remedies for the prevention and treatment of various types of COVID-19 and pneumonia, which are ready to benefit the whole country and the people of the whole world. (See below for the prescription)


李万泉医师二十年来在我国几个大城市用中医药治疗肿瘤/癌症的典型病例(或知情/证实人):● 北京:知情人,董先生,●上海:某研究所王先生,●深圳/台湾:陈先生;●重庆市:1、骆某某(重庆巫溪网上有名):患白血病(M2),经服一年零八月余的中药,已于五年前夏治愈,2、巫溪县罗某某:患罕见的恶性胸膜间皮瘤,一年内已治愈上班,手机:3、云开万等地还有>20名以上治愈患者,略;●成都:田女士,(注:请咨询以上人士,即可知李医师在该城市治疗肿瘤与癌症的具体疗效及治愈病例)……

[Attachment 1: Typical Case Summary of Dr. Li Wanquan's Treatment of tumor/Cancer patients]

Typical cases of tumor/cancer treated by Doctor Li Wanquan with traditional Chinese medicine in several major cities in the past 20 years (or people who knew about it/confirmed it):● Beijing: an insider, Mr. Dong; ● Shanghai: Mr. Wang of an institute; ● Shenzhen/Taiwan: Mr. Chen; ● Chongqing :1. Luo XX (famous online in Chongqing Wuxi): suffered from leukemia (M2) and was cured in the summer of five years ago after taking traditional Chinese medicine for more than one year and eight months; 2. Luo XX from Wuxi County: suffered from rare malignant pleural mesothelioma and was cured within one year. ● Chengdu: Ms. Tian,(Note: Please consult the above person to know the specific efficacy and cured cases of Dr. Li in the treatment of tumor and cancer in this city)......


Note :(1) The leukemia of the above Xiao Luo is free of charge and has been cured for more than five years without recurrence; After to my place for treatment, just a year by traditional Chinese medicine cure! So far more than three years no recurrence! His medical records were collected and archived by Beijing Cancer Institute as rare cases in the summer and autumn of 2016!!

新 冠肺 炎疫 情作为“一次大考”,严重威胁了群众的生命健康,2021年,后疫 情时代,“如何增强免疫力,摆脱疾病困扰,预防疾病”,逐渐成为人们议论的主题,建党百年华诞,李万泉教授公布了他的主要智慧科研成果。

As a "big test", the novel coronavirus outbreak has seriously threatened people's life and health. In 2021, in the post-epidemic era, "How to strengthen immunity, get rid of disease troubles, and prevent diseases" has gradually become the topic of people's discussion. In the centennial anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, Professor Li Wanquan published his main wisdom scientific research achievements.

【附二:杀灭新 冠病毒强效中医药】


[Second: Powerful Traditional Chinese Medicine to kill the Novel Coronavirus]

We must attach great importance to the prevention and control of this novel coronavirus (it is estimated that in the future there will be more dangerous mutant strains, and will become more virulent and spread faster) infection and the pneumonia caused by it, otherwise there will be no peace in the world in the next 2-3 years! (Dr. Li has specifically pointed out this major prediction as early as May-June 2020!)


According to Li Weibo, a professor in the early Western learning of China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences (former leader of HIV/AIDS research project 85), as early as 30 years ago, in view of the nearly 1,800 years of history and experience in the formal and scientific use of traditional Chinese medicine, and the botanical medicine of traditional Chinese medicine, it should be used in clinical -- laboratory -- clinical; However, Western medicine chemical products, and applied in the clinic before there is no experience, so we must experience the process of laboratory -- clinical -- laboratory (that is, Chinese traditional medicine should not copy the clinical way of western medicine stereotyped to cure the disease mode!) ; Dr. Li Wanquan has 29 years of valuable clinical experience in the application of traditional Chinese medicine in the prevention and treatment of various viral diseases (mainly hepatitis B virus and HIV virus, two major viruses that are still incurable in western medicine world today) :

特别是遵循我国中医治病的最基本原则,精心选用数百年来一直沿用的两个古传名中医药处方,已研究完善出中医上称谓的“异病同治”以及“扶正祛邪”的原则及基本原理,在增加自身抵抗力的前提下去消灭新 冠病毒!标本兼治也即西医的病因(抗新 冠病毒)病症兼治(即我国一年多来运用中医药治疗新 冠肺炎效果良好,但对新 冠病毒作用很弱!——这十六个月临床实践的科学客观事实所证明),并制成中医药的传统制型即散剂,以方便全国乃至全球的广大中西医务工作者指导及医嘱患者服用:

In particular, following the most basic principle of TCM treatment, we carefully choose the two ancient Chinese medicine prescriptions that have been used for hundreds of years. The principle and basic principle of "the same treatment of different diseases" and "supporting the body" on TCM have been researched and improved, so as to eliminate the novel coronavirus on the premise of increasing their own resistance! Treating both symptoms and root causes is also the cause of Western medicine (anti-COVID-19) symptoms and treatment (that is, Chinese medicine has been used for more than a year to treat the novel coronavirus pneumonia has good effect, but the effect of the novel coronavirus is very weak! -- Proved by scientific and objective facts of clinical practice in the past 16 months), and prepared the traditional Chinese medicine, namely powder, for the convenience of Chinese and Western medical workers nationwide and even around the world to guide and instruct patients to take:

  1. 是针对实症患者(热毒甚者/现舌红苔白黄者),此型病人国内(含各东南亚国家)患者约占75%的数量/比例; 国外(主指西方欧美为主的各个国家)患者约占90%的数量/比例的临床特征,故选用完全对症的古传名方即<加味逍遥汤>为基础方,加强效抗病毒(黄连黄芩黄柏与制大黄金银花蒲公英)及对症(桔梗法半夏川贝与桑皮)的中药共普通而强效的十九味中药组成,国内国际统称<冠肺/I号药> ;

(a) For patients with real diseases (heat poison or red tongue/white and yellow moss), the number/proportion of this type of patients in China (including Southeast Asian countries) accounts for about 75%; Foreign (mainly refers to the countries mainly in Western Europe and the United States) patients account for about 90% of the number/proportion of clinical characteristics, so choose the completely correct ancient name prescription, namely "Modified Xiaoxiao Decoction" as the base prescription, strengthen the effect of antiviral (Coptis scutellaria Huangbai and the preparation of rhubarb honeylonicle dandelion) and the correct symptoms (platycodon platycodon pinellia Chuanbei and mulberry bark) a total of common and powerful 19 traditional Chinese medicine composition, domestic Internationally known as "Guanfei /I Drug";

(二)是针对虚证患者(体虚/气血差者!现舌质淡红,舌体胖大,基本无苔或少许白苔者),此型患者国内约占总数的25%左右,国外约占15%的患者!!特选用对症的古传名方<补中益气湯>,现特根据中医“异病同治”以及“扶正祛邪”的原则及基本原理,在增加自身抵抗力的前提下去消灭新 冠病毒!加强效抗病毒(见上述)及对症(见上述)的/共19味中药组成,即<冠肺/2号药>;如此,一方面可基本统治乃至治愈全国全球广大患者; 另一方面我国及全球西医生亦可较易较快掌握此两中医药物的适应症及使用方法!!再者,此两中医药物,成本低,制成散剂后又方便(对症)服用,且可在短期内(现估计在6一8周)完全控制并消除此次大灾害即新 冠性肺炎矣!(另注,从上述患病比例来判断行临床施治的话,无论国内或国际/特别是国际上绝大多数患者均适用<冠肺I号>中药(即基本上如同应用西药一样,无需再行什么<辨症论治>的了,同时也适应全世界各国大范围地使用!本人还习俗性地称服此药如同冲兑咖啡口服耳!!)。

(two) is for the deficiency syndrome patients (body deficiency/poor Qi and blood! Now the tongue is light red, fat tongue body, basically no moss or a little white moss), this type of patients domestic about 25% of the total, about 15% of the foreign patients!! The prescription "Buzhong Yiqi Decoction" with the correct ancient name is specially chosen. Based on the principle and basic principle of "treating different diseases together" and "Fuzhengdispelling evil" of traditional Chinese medicine, we will eliminate the novel coronavirus on the premise of increasing our own resistance! Strengthen the antiviral effect (see above) and symptomatic (see above)/a total of 19 TCM components, namely < Guanfei/No. 2 drug >; In this way, on the one hand, it can basically rule and even cure the vast number of patients all over the country and the world; On the other hand, Chinese and western doctors can also grasp the indications and use methods of these two TCM medicines easily!! In addition, the two traditional Chinese medicine, low cost, made of powder and convenient (symptomatic) to take, and can be in a short period of time (now estimated in 6 to 8 weeks) to completely control and eliminate the disaster that is the novel coronavirus pneumonia! (In addition, judging from the above proportion of patients, the vast majority of patients are suitable for clinical treatment, whether domestic or international/especially international (that is, basically like the application of western medicine, there is no need to do any more "syndrome differentiation", but also adapt to the wide range of use in countries around the world! I also customarily say that taking this medicine is like taking coffee orally!!) .

预期疗效: 一般可在2—3周内基本消除呼吸系统各种常见症状; 一般约在25—35天内>90%的患者行核糖核酸检测呈阴性; 将后如有条件检测新 冠病毒数量的设备仪器问世,则可在服药45—60天后基本无法检测出患者体内的病毒即彻底根除该病原体的了; 特别指出:凡服药至疾病痊愈者,应达到罕有后遗症的远期疗效,即达到在全国乃至全世界彻底消灭<新 冠病毒>的大目标了矣!!!。

※ Expected efficacy: Generally within 2-3 weeks can basically eliminate all kinds of common respiratory symptoms; Generally within about 25 to 35 days, >90% of the patients tested negative for RNA; If the equipment is available to measure the number of the novel coronavirus, the virus in the patient's body will be basically unable to be detected after 45 to 60 days of taking the drug, that is, the pathogen will be completely eradicated. In particular, it is pointed out that those who take medicine to recover from the disease should achieve the long-term effect with rare sequelae, that is, to achieve the big goal of completely eliminating the novel coronavirus in the whole country and even the whole world!! .

使用方法: 详服药说明书,预防用药每天早上冲服8-9克药粉即可。

※ Usage: Refer to the instructions for preventive medicine. Take 8-9 grams of powder every morning.

中医药能预防新 冠的中成药也是很多的!如全国各地大药房均有售的<银翘解毒丸>,<抗病毒颗粒>等,均有良好的预防作用及对轻症病人有一定的治疗作用!!! (注:体重>60KG的成人,用药时需加倍服用)

Traditional Chinese medicine can prevent the novel coronavirus is also a lot of Chinese patent medicine! Such as the large pharmacies all over the country are sold < Yinqiao detoxification pills >,< antiviral particles > and so on, all have a good preventive effect and mild patients have a certain therapeutic effect!! (Note: adults weighing more than 60KG should take twice as much medicine)

【附三:预防新 冠病毒的中成药】

[Attachment 3: Chinese Patent Medicine for the prevention of the Novel coronavirus]

  1. 成人早上饭前:冲服两小袋<抗病毒颗粒.>成一杯水(约2百ml),吞服<银翘解毒丸>12克;

1, adult morning before meals: swallow two small bags of < antiviral granules > into a cup of water (about 200 ml), swallow < Yinqiao detoxification pills >12 grams;

  1. 成人晚上8点:服药同早上一样。

2. Adults 8 p.m. : Take medication as in the morning.


This recipe has been shown to be effective in a mildly infected/young Chinese woman in Dubai! (That is, after taking a week to feel a relaxed, before the fever, cough, fatigue or other symptoms disappeared!) !!!!! .

此文很值得一读,因笔者一为中西医结合专家,二有29年的抗病毒临床经验及成果!也即对国家及全体人民防治新 冠性肺炎有着巨大的现实意义和深远的历史意义;三是李医师研究的抗乙肝病毒及艾滋病的中药已在94-95年经中美两国相关权威机构鉴定结果良好,而无任何毒副作用;四是我国治疗新 冠性肺炎的中医药有了,但严重不足的是还没将消灭病原体即根除新 冠病毒的强效中医药研发出来(见李万泉医师从2020年5月至今陆续发表在网络上的学术论文即处方/经验性中医药)。只有如此方可彻底消灭新 冠病毒这一全球性的大瘟疫,让世界恢复平静!

This article is worth reading because the author is an expert in integrated Chinese and Western medicine and has 29 years of antiviral clinical experience and results! In other words, it is of great practical significance and far-reaching historical significance to the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 by the country and all the people. Third, the traditional Chinese medicine against hepatitis B virus and AIDS studied by Doctor Li had been certified by relevant authorities in China and the United States in 1994-95, and had no toxic side effects. Fourth, we have traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of COVID-19, but what is seriously lacking is that we have not yet developed powerful traditional Chinese medicine for the eradication of pathogens, namely the eradication of the novel coronavirus (see the academic papers of doctor Li Wanquan published on the Internet from May 2020, namely prescription/empirical traditional Chinese medicine). Only in this way can we completely eliminate the novel coronavirus, a global pandemic, and restore peace to the world!











